ITA Tunnelling Awards 2018 -ehdokasasettelu avoinna 12.6. asti

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The 4th edition of the international tunnelling and underground space awardswelcomes new applicationsAfter three successful editions in Switzerland, in Singapore and in Paris, the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association is getting prepared for the fourth edition of the ITA Tunnelling Awards, that will take place on the 7th November in Chuzhou-Nanjing, China, during the 20th Chinese Tunnel and Underground works Conference (CTUC) from 5 to 6 Nov. followed by technical visits on Nov. 8 in Nanjing, Chuzhou and Shanghai.

Profiling particularly outstanding achievements of underground infrastructure across the world through these Awards, ITA intends to identify and support a wide and diverse range of tunnelling projects, from large-scale and large-budget infrastructures to more discrete but revolutionary technical innovations. This year the Entries can be submitted in 9 categories:

  • Major Project of the Year – over €500m
  • Project of the Year – between €50m and €500m
  • Project of the Year inclus. Renovation – up to €50m
  • Technical Project Innovation of the Year
  • Technical Product/Equipment Innovation of the Year
  • Sustainability Initiative of the Year
  • Safety Initiative of the Year
  • Innovative Use of Underground Space
  • Young Tunneller of the Year

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