ITA Tunnelling Awards 2016

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Book now for the ITA Tunnelling Awards 2016!ITAawardsjpg

It is time to book for the conference and banquet. Learn  more about the outstanding projects and initiatives participate in a special confrence. Enjoy a unique evening of the awards ceremony.

Book now and come to Singapore – To benefit of special rates on your accomodation, book before Sept 28th.

All info on the web site

Any enquiries:

On November 10th and 11th 2016, the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association is organizing the second edition of its ITA Tunnelling Awards, an international competition seeking to recognize and reward the most ground-breaking achievements and innovations in underground infrastructures worldwide. Following quite a rich first harvest in 2015, once more, the score is very positive this year: the ITA has received 98 entries competing for the Oscars of Tunnels in the frame of 9 categories. The judging panel of the ITA Awards, composed of 17 judges chaired by Tarcisio Celestino, also ITA President, has just concluded its deliberations: 33 entries have passed the first selection phase, 3 to 6 nominees being pre-selected in each of the 9 ITA Awards categories. Learn more