Video: The World of Underground Opportunities


Urban Underground Space – Sustainable Property Development in Helsinki

Author: Ilkka Vähäaho, City of Helsinki, Real Estate Department, Geotechnical Division


  1. Introduction: Geological Conditions and Challenges in Helsinki – Experiences and Advice
  2. The History and Future of the Underground Master Plan of Helsinki
  3. Key Considerations for the Use of Underground Space
  4. Planning for the Use of Underground Space
  5. Geotechnical Engineering for Underground Space Development
  6. Non-geotechnical Engineering for Underground Space Development

Download the publication here


Helsinki Urban Underground Spaces
Guidelines for Visitors (updated Feb 2021)


Rock – Sound of Countless Opportunities –publication

(ISBN 978-952-67077-1-6)
Price: 20 € + shipping costs


The Fourth Wave of Rock Construction

Editors: Kimmo Rönkä, Jouko Ritola
ISBN 951-96180-1-5 WSOY, Porvoo 1997.
Price: 20 € + shipping costs